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Yaptide platform can authenticate users using two methods:

  • using own database of users. In that case submission of simulation is limited only to a local pool of workers.
  • using Keycloak server. Such server is provided for example in PLGrid infrastructure. This solution offers a possibility to submit simulations to an HPC cluster.

Configuration of keycloak is based on following environmental variables, for backend:

  • KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL - URL of the keycloak server, for example ''
  • KEYCLOAK_REALM - name of the realm, for example PLGrid
  • KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID - name of the client, for example yaptide

The frontend uses following names:

  • REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL - URL of the keycloak server, for example ''
  • REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_REALM - name of the realm, for example PLGrid
  • REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID - name of the client, for example yaptide

The REACT_APP_ prefix is required by the create-react-app tool, see

These variables needs to be provided to the docker compose files via the .env file, both for backend and the frontend parts. The backend propagates this variable to the yaptide_flask container, to be able to verify keycloak tokens. The frontend needs to know the URL of the keycloak server, so it can redirect the user to the login page. To properly setup these variables in case of ansible deployment, please use yap_dev_vars.yml as an example.