Sequence diagrams
Overview of login and logout process using keycloak
actor User
participant AuthService
participant Keycloak
participant Backend
User ->> AuthService: Request login
AuthService ->> Keycloak: Redirect to keycloak login
User ->> Keycloak: Login with credentials
Keycloak ->> AuthService: Return authenticated token
AuthService ->> AuthService: Check token for access to yaptide
opt user has access
AuthService ->> Backend: Verify token with backend (POST /auth/keycloak)
Backend ->> Keycloak: Verify if token is correct
opt token verified
Keycloak ->> Backend: Signature verified
Backend ->> AuthService: Response with accessExp
AuthService ->> AuthService: Set token refresh interval based on accessExp
AuthService ->> User: Provide auth context
opt signature expired or invalid token or keycloak connection error
Backend ->> AuthService: Raise exception Forbidden (403)
opt user doesn't have access
AuthService ->> User: Message with access denied
loop Refresh backend connection every 3 minutes
AuthService ->> Backend: Refresh token (GET auth/refresh)
Backend ->> AuthService: Response with new backend access token in cookies
loop Refresh token every 1/3 of tokens lifetime
AuthService ->> Keycloak: Refresh token
Keycloak ->> AuthService: Updated token
User ->> AuthService: Logout
AuthService ->> Backend: Invalidate session (DELETE /auth/logout)
Backend ->> AuthService: Response with cookies deleted
AuthService ->> Keycloak: Logout
AuthService ->> User: Clear user data
Overview of login and logout process while in demo or dev modes
participant User
participant AuthService
participant Backend
User ->> AuthService: Request Login
AuthService ->> Backend: Validate Credentials (POST /auth/login)
Backend ->> AuthService: Response with accessExp and set access and refresh tokens in cookies
AuthService ->> User: Provide Auth Context
loop Refresh backend connection every 3 minutes
AuthService ->> Backend: Refresh token (GET auth/refresh)
Backend ->> AuthService: Response with new backend access token in cookies
User ->> AuthService: Logout
AuthService ->> Backend: Invalidate session (DELETE /auth/logout)
Backend ->> AuthService: Response with cookies deleted
AuthService ->> User: Clear User Data