Coverage for yaptide/converter/converter/fluka/cards/ 60%

42 statements  

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1from dataclasses import dataclass, field 

2from converter.common import format_float 


4from converter.fluka.helper_parsers.figure_parser import FlukaBox, FlukaCylinder, FlukaFigure, FlukaSphere 




8class FiguresCard: 

9 """Class representing description of figures in Fluka input""" 


11 data: list[FlukaFigure] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) 


13 def __str__(self) -> str: 

14 """Return the card as a string.""" 

15 result = "" 

16 for index, figure in enumerate( 

17 if index == 0: 

18 line = "" 

19 else: 

20 line = "\n" 

21 if type(figure) is FlukaBox: 

22 x_min = format_float(figure.x_min, n=16) 

23 x_max = format_float(figure.x_max, n=16) 

24 y_min = format_float(figure.y_min, n=16) 

25 y_max = format_float(figure.y_max, n=16) 

26 z_min = format_float(figure.z_min, n=16) 

27 z_max = format_float(figure.z_max, n=16) 

28 x_length = format_float(figure.x_max - figure.x_min, n=16) 

29 y_length = format_float(figure.y_max - figure.y_min, n=16) 

30 z_length = format_float(figure.z_max - figure.z_min, n=16) 

31 line += (f"* box {}\n" 

32 f"* X range {x_min:+#}, {x_max:+#}\n" 

33 f"* Y range {y_min:+#}, {y_max:+#}\n" 

34 f"* Z range {z_min:+#}, {z_max:+#}\n" 

35 f"* X, Y, Z side lengths:" 

36 f" {x_length:+#}, {y_length:+#}, {z_length:+#}\n" 

37 f"{figure.figure_type} {}" 

38 f" {x_min:+#}" 

39 f" {x_max:+#}" 

40 f" {y_min:+#}" 

41 f" {y_max:+#}" 

42 f" {z_min:+#}" 

43 f" {z_max:+#}") 

44 elif type(figure) is FlukaCylinder: 

45 x = format_float(figure.coordinates[0], n=16) 

46 y = format_float(figure.coordinates[1], n=16) 

47 z = format_float(figure.coordinates[2], n=16) 

48 vector_x = format_float(figure.height_vector[0], n=16) 

49 vector_y = format_float(figure.height_vector[1], n=16) 

50 vector_z = format_float(figure.height_vector[2], n=16) 

51 radius = format_float(figure.radius, n=16) 

52 height = format_float(figure.height, n=16) 

53 line += (f"* cylinder {}\n" 

54 f"* bottom center ({x:+#}, {y:+#}, {z:+#})," 

55 f" spanning vector ({vector_x:+#}, {vector_y:+#}, {vector_z:+#}),\n" 

56 f"* radius {radius:+#}, height {height:+#} cm\n" 

57 f"* rotation angles: {figure.rotation[0]}*, " 

58 f"{figure.rotation[1]}*, {figure.rotation[2]}*\n" 

59 f"{figure.figure_type} {}" 

60 f" {x:+#}" 

61 f" {y:+#}" 

62 f" {z:+#}" 

63 f" {vector_x:+#}" 

64 f" {vector_y:+#}\n" 

65 f"{vector_z:+#}" 

66 f" {radius:+#}") 

67 elif type(figure) is FlukaSphere: 

68 x = format_float(figure.coordinates[0], n=16) 

69 y = format_float(figure.coordinates[1], n=16) 

70 z = format_float(figure.coordinates[2], n=16) 

71 radius = format_float(figure.radius, n=16) 

72 line += (f"* sphere {}\n" 

73 f"* center ({x:+#}, {y:+#}, {z:+#})," 

74 f" radius {radius:+#}\n" 

75 f"{figure.figure_type} {}" 

76 f" {x:+#}" 

77 f" {y:+#}" 

78 f" {z:+#}" 

79 f" {radius:+#}") 

80 else: 

81 raise ValueError(f"Unexpected figure type: {figure}") 


83 result += line 


85 return result