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264 statements
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« prev ^ index » next v7.6.4, created at 2024-11-22 07:31 +0000
1import platform
2import shutil
3import tarfile
4import tempfile
5import zipfile
6from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
7from enum import IntEnum, auto
8from pathlib import Path
10import boto3
11import click
12import cryptography
13import requests
14from botocore.exceptions import (ClientError, EndpointConnectionError, NoCredentialsError)
15from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
16from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
17from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
20class SimulatorType(IntEnum):
21 """Simulator types"""
23 shieldhit = auto()
24 fluka = auto()
25 topas = auto()
28def extract_shieldhit_from_tar_gz(archive_path: Path, unpacking_directory: Path, member_name: str,
29 destination_dir: Path):
30 """Extracts a single file from a tar.gz archive"""
31 with, "r:gz") as tar:
32 # print all members
33 for member in tar.getmembers():
34 if Path( == member_name and Path( == 'bin':
35 click.echo(f"Extracting {}")
36 tar.extract(member, unpacking_directory)
37 # move to installation path
38 local_file_path = unpacking_directory /
39 click.echo(f"Moving {local_file_path} to {destination_dir}")
40 shutil.move(local_file_path, destination_dir / member_name)
43def extract_shieldhit_from_zip(archive_path: Path, unpacking_dir: Path, member_name: str, destination_dir: Path):
44 """Extracts a single file from a zip archive"""
45 with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path) as zip_handle:
46 # print all members
47 for member in zip_handle.infolist():
48 click.echo(f"Member: {member.filename}")
49 if Path(member.filename).name == member_name:
50 click.echo(f"Extracting {member.filename}")
51 zip_handle.extract(member, unpacking_dir)
52 # move to installation path
53 local_file_path = Path(unpacking_dir) / member.filename
54 destination_file_path = destination_dir / member_name
55 click.echo(f"Moving {local_file_path} to {destination_file_path}")
56 # move file from temporary directory to installation path using shutils
57 if not destination_file_path.exists():
58 shutil.move(local_file_path, destination_file_path)
61def download_shieldhit_demo_version(destination_dir: Path) -> bool:
62 """Download shieldhit demo version from"""
63 demo_version_url = ''
64 # check if working on Windows
65 if platform.system() == 'Windows':
66 demo_version_url = ''
68 # create temporary directory and download
69 # Create a temporary file to store the downloaded binary data
70 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir_name:
71 click.echo(f"Downloading from {demo_version_url} to {tmpdir_name}")
72 headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT x.y; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0'}
73 response = requests.get(demo_version_url, headers=headers)
74 temp_file_archive = Path(tmpdir_name) / Path(demo_version_url).name
75 with open(temp_file_archive, 'wb') as file_handle:
76 file_handle.write(response.content)
77 click.echo(f"Saved to {temp_file_archive} with size {temp_file_archive.stat().st_size} bytes")
79 # extract
80 click.echo(f"Extracting {temp_file_archive} to {destination_dir}")
81 destination_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
82 if temp_file_archive.suffix == '.gz':
83 extract_shieldhit_from_tar_gz(temp_file_archive,
84 Path(tmpdir_name),
85 'shieldhit',
86 destination_dir=destination_dir)
87 elif temp_file_archive.suffix == '.zip':
88 extract_shieldhit_from_zip(temp_file_archive,
89 Path(tmpdir_name),
90 'shieldhit.exe',
91 destination_dir=destination_dir)
92 return True
95def check_if_s3_connection_is_working(s3_client: boto3.client) -> bool:
96 """Check if connection to S3 is possible"""
97 try:
98 s3_client.list_buckets()
99 except NoCredentialsError as e:
100 click.echo(f"No credentials found. Check your access key and secret key. {e}", err=True)
101 return False
102 except EndpointConnectionError as e:
103 click.echo(f"Could not connect to the specified endpoint. {e}", err=True)
104 return False
105 except ClientError as e:
106 click.echo(f"An error occurred while connecting to S3: {e.response['Error']['Message']}", err=True)
107 return False
108 return True
111def download_shieldhit_from_s3(
112 destination_dir: Path,
113 endpoint: str,
114 access_key: str,
115 secret_key: str,
116 password: str,
117 salt: str,
118 bucket: str,
119 key: str,
120 decrypt: bool = True,
121) -> bool:
122 """Download SHIELD-HIT12A from S3 bucket"""
123 s3_client = boto3.client("s3",
124 aws_access_key_id=access_key,
125 aws_secret_access_key=secret_key,
126 endpoint_url=endpoint)
128 if not validate_connection_data(bucket=bucket, key=key, s3_client=s3_client):
129 return False
131 destination_file_path = destination_dir / 'shieldhit'
132 # append '.exe' to file name if working on Windows
133 if platform.system() == 'Windows':
134 destination_file_path = destination_dir / 'shieldhit.exe'
136 download_and_decrypt_status = download_file(key=key,
137 bucket=bucket,
138 s3_client=s3_client,
139 decrypt=decrypt,
140 password=password,
141 salt=salt,
142 destination_file_path=destination_file_path)
144 if not download_and_decrypt_status:
145 return False
147 return True
150def download_shieldhit_from_s3_or_from_website(
151 destination_dir: Path,
152 endpoint: str,
153 access_key: str,
154 secret_key: str,
155 password: str,
156 salt: str,
157 bucket: str,
158 key: str,
159 decrypt: bool = True,
161 """Download SHIELD-HIT12A from S3 bucket, if not available download demo version from website"""
162 download_ok = download_shieldhit_from_s3(destination_dir=destination_dir,
163 endpoint=endpoint,
164 access_key=access_key,
165 secret_key=secret_key,
166 password=password,
167 salt=salt,
168 bucket=bucket,
169 key=key,
170 decrypt=decrypt)
171 if download_ok:
172 click.echo('SHIELD-HIT12A downloaded from S3')
173 else:
174 click.echo('SHIELD-HIT12A download failed, trying to download demo version from website')
175 demo_download_ok = download_shieldhit_demo_version(destination_dir=destination_dir)
176 if demo_download_ok:
177 click.echo('SHIELD-HIT12A demo version downloaded from website')
178 else:
179 click.echo('SHIELD-HIT12A demo version download failed')
182# skipcq: PY-R1000
183def download_topas_from_s3(download_dir: Path, endpoint: str, access_key: str, secret_key: str, bucket: str, key: str,
184 version: str, geant4_bucket: str) -> bool:
185 """Download TOPAS from S3 bucket"""
186 s3_client = boto3.client("s3",
187 aws_access_key_id=access_key,
188 aws_secret_access_key=secret_key,
189 endpoint_url=endpoint)
191 if not validate_connection_data(bucket, key, s3_client):
192 return False
194 # Download TOPAS tar
195 topas_temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
196 try:
197 response = s3_client.list_object_versions(
198 Bucket=bucket,
199 Prefix=key,
200 )
201 topas_file_downloaded = False
202 for curr_version in response["Versions"]:
203 version_id = curr_version["VersionId"]
205 tags = s3_client.get_object_tagging(
206 Bucket=bucket,
207 Key=key,
208 VersionId=version_id,
209 )
210 for tag in tags["TagSet"]:
211 if tag["Key"] == "version" and tag["Value"] == version:
212 click.echo(f"Downloading {key}, version {version} from {bucket} to {}")
213 s3_client.download_fileobj(Bucket=bucket,
214 Key=key,
215 Fileobj=topas_temp_file,
216 ExtraArgs={"VersionId": version_id})
217 topas_file_downloaded = True
218 if not topas_file_downloaded:
219 click.echo(f"Could not find TOPAS version {version} in bucket {bucket}, file {key}", err=True)
220 return False
222 except ClientError as e:
223 click.echo("Failed to download TOPAS from S3 with error: ", e.response["Error"]["Message"])
224 return False
226 # Download GEANT4 tar files
227 geant4_temp_files = []
229 objects = s3_client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=geant4_bucket)
231 try:
232 for obj in objects['Contents']:
233 key = obj['Key']
234 response = s3_client.list_object_versions(
235 Bucket=geant4_bucket,
236 Prefix=key,
237 )
238 for curr_version in response["Versions"]:
239 version_id = curr_version["VersionId"]
240 tags = s3_client.get_object_tagging(
241 Bucket=geant4_bucket,
242 Key=key,
243 VersionId=version_id,
244 )
245 for tag in tags["TagSet"]:
246 if tag["Key"] == "topas_versions":
247 topas_versions = tag["Value"].split(",")
248 topas_versions = [version.strip() for version in topas_versions]
249 if version in topas_versions:
250 temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
251 click.echo(f"""Downloading {key} for TOPAS version {version}
252 from {bucket} to {}""")
253 s3_client.download_fileobj(Bucket=geant4_bucket,
254 Key=key,
255 Fileobj=temp_file,
256 ExtraArgs={"VersionId": version_id})
257 geant4_temp_files.append(temp_file)
259 except ClientError as e:
260 click.echo("Failed to download Geant4 data from S3 with error: ", e.response["Error"]["Message"])
261 return False
264 topas_file_contents = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=topas_temp_file)
265 click.echo(f"Unpacking {} to {download_dir}")
266 topas_file_contents.extractall(path=download_dir)
267 topas_extracted_path = download_dir / "topas" / "bin" / "topas"
268 topas_extracted_path.chmod(0o700)
269 click.echo(f"Installed TOPAS into {download_dir}")
271 geant4_files_path = download_dir / "geant4_files_path"
272 if not geant4_files_path.exists():
273 try:
274 geant4_files_path.mkdir()
275 except OSError as e:
276 click.echo(f"Could not create directory {geant4_files_path}: {e}", err=True)
277 return False
278 for file in geant4_temp_files:
280 file_contents = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=file)
281 click.echo(f"Unpacking {} to {geant4_files_path}")
282 file_contents.extractall(path=geant4_files_path)
283 click.echo(f"Installed Geant4 files into {geant4_files_path}")
284 return True
287def extract_fluka_from_tar_gz(archive_path: Path, unpacking_directory: Path, destination_dir: Path) -> bool:
288 """Extracts a single directory from a tar.gz archive"""
289 with, "r:gz") as tar:
290 tar.extractall(path=unpacking_directory)
291 content = list(unpacking_directory.iterdir())
292 if len(content) == 1:
293 shutil.copytree(str(content[0]), str(destination_dir / 'fluka'), dirs_exist_ok=True)
294 return True
295 if len(content) > 1:
296 shutil.copytree(str(unpacking_directory), str(destination_dir / 'fluka'), dirs_exist_ok=True)
297 return True
298 return False
301def download_fluka_from_s3(download_dir: Path, endpoint: str, access_key: str, secret_key: str, bucket: str,
302 password: str, salt: str, key: str) -> bool:
303 """Download (and decrypt) Fluka from S3 bucket"""
304 s3_client = boto3.client("s3",
305 aws_access_key_id=access_key,
306 aws_secret_access_key=secret_key,
307 endpoint_url=endpoint)
309 if not validate_connection_data(bucket, key, s3_client):
310 return False
312 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir_name:
313 tmp_dir = Path(tmpdir_name).resolve()
314 tmp_archive = tmp_dir / 'fluka.tgz'
315 tmp_dir_path = tmp_dir / 'fluka'
316 download_and_decrypt_status = download_file(key=key,
317 bucket=bucket,
318 s3_client=s3_client,
319 decrypt=True,
320 password=password,
321 salt=salt,
322 destination_file_path=tmp_archive)
323 if not download_and_decrypt_status:
324 return False
325 download_and_decrypt_status = extract_fluka_from_tar_gz(archive_path=tmp_archive,
326 unpacking_directory=tmp_dir_path,
327 destination_dir=download_dir)
329 return download_and_decrypt_status
332def upload_file_to_s3(bucket: str,
333 file_path: Path,
334 endpoint: str,
335 access_key: str,
336 secret_key: str,
337 encrypt: bool = False,
338 encryption_password: str = '',
339 encryption_salt: str = '') -> bool:
340 """Upload file to S3 bucket"""
341 # Create S3 client
342 s3_client = boto3.client(
343 "s3",
344 aws_access_key_id=access_key,
345 aws_secret_access_key=secret_key,
346 endpoint_url=endpoint,
347 )
348 if not check_if_s3_connection_is_working(s3_client):
349 click.echo("S3 connection failed", err=True)
350 return False
352 # Check if bucket exists and create if not
353 if bucket not in [bucket["Name"] for bucket in s3_client.list_buckets()["Buckets"]]:
354 click.echo(f"Bucket {bucket} does not exist. Creating.")
355 s3_client.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket)
357 # Encrypt file
358 file_contents = file_path.read_bytes()
359 if encrypt:
360 click.echo(f"Encrypting file {file_path}")
361 file_contents = encrypt_file(file_path, encryption_password, encryption_salt)
362 try:
363 # Upload encrypted file to S3 bucket
364 click.echo(f"Uploading file {file_path}")
365 s3_client.put_object(Body=file_contents, Bucket=bucket,
366 return True
367 except ClientError as e:
368 click.echo("Upload failed with error: ", e.response["Error"]["Message"])
369 return False
372def encrypt_file(file_path: Path, password: str, salt: str) -> bytes:
373 """Encrypts a file using Fernet"""
374 encryption_key = derive_key(password, salt)
375 # skipcq: PTC-W6004
376 bytes_from_file = file_path.read_bytes()
377 fernet = Fernet(encryption_key)
378 encrypted = fernet.encrypt(bytes_from_file)
379 return encrypted
382def decrypt_file(file_path: Path, password: str, salt: str) -> bytes:
383 """Decrypts a file using Fernet"""
384 encryption_key = derive_key(password, salt)
385 # skipcq: PTC-W6004
386 bytes_from_file = file_path.read_bytes()
387 fernet = Fernet(encryption_key)
388 try:
389 decrypted = fernet.decrypt(bytes_from_file)
390 except cryptography.fernet.InvalidToken:
391 click.echo("Decryption failed - invalid token (password+salt)", err=True)
392 return b''
393 return decrypted
396def validate_connection_data(bucket: str, key: str, s3_client) -> bool:
397 """Validate S3 connection"""
398 if not check_if_s3_connection_is_working(s3_client):
399 click.echo("S3 connection failed", err=True)
400 return False
402 # Check if bucket name is valid
403 if not bucket:
404 click.echo("Bucket name is empty", err=True)
405 return False
407 # Check if key is valid
408 if not key:
409 click.echo("Key is empty", err=True)
410 return False
412 # Check if bucket exists
413 try:
414 s3_client.head_bucket(Bucket=bucket)
415 except ClientError as e:
416 click.echo(f"Problem accessing bucket named {bucket}: {e}", err=True)
417 return False
419 # Check if key exists
420 try:
421 s3_client.head_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)
422 except ClientError as e:
423 click.echo(f"Problem accessing key named {key} in bucket {bucket}: {e}", err=True)
424 return False
426 return True
429def download_file(key: str,
430 bucket: str,
431 s3_client,
432 destination_file_path: Path,
433 decrypt: bool = False,
434 password: str = '',
435 salt: str = ''):
436 """Handle download with encryption"""
437 try:
438 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file:
439 click.echo(f"Downloading {key} from {bucket} to {}")
440 s3_client.download_fileobj(Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Fileobj=temp_file)
442 if decrypt:
443 click.echo("Decrypting downloaded file")
444 if not password or not salt:
445 click.echo("Password or salt not set", err=True)
446 return False
447 bytes_from_decrypted_file = decrypt_file(file_path=Path(, password=password, salt=salt)
448 if not bytes_from_decrypted_file:
449 click.echo("Decryption failed", err=True)
450 return False
452 Path(destination_file_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
453 Path(destination_file_path).write_bytes(bytes_from_decrypted_file)
454 else:
455 click.echo(f"Copying {} to {destination_file_path}")
456 shutil.copy2(, destination_file_path)
457 except ClientError as e:
458 click.echo(f"S3 download failed with client error: {e}", err=True)
459 return False
461 destination_file_path.chmod(0o700)
462 return True
465def derive_key(password: str, salt: str) -> bytes:
466 """Derives a key from the password and salt"""
467 kdf = PBKDF2HMAC(algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), length=32, salt=salt.encode(), iterations=480_000)
468 key = urlsafe_b64encode(kdf.derive(password.encode()))
469 return key