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expected_output module-attribute

expected_output = "TITLE\nproton beam simulation\n* default physics settings for hadron therapy\nDEFAULTS                                                              HADROTHE\n* PROTON beam of energy 0.07 GeV\n* flat circular shape with max radius=3.0 cm, min radius=0.0 cm\nBEAM           -0.07       0.0       0.0       3.0       0.0      -1.0PROTON\n* beam position: (0.0, 0.0, -1.5) cm\n* beam direction cosines in respect to x: 0.0, y: 0.0\n* beam direction is positive in respect to z axis\nBEAMPOS          0.0       0.0      -1.5       0.0       0.0       0.0\n* geometry description starts here\nGEOBEGIN                                                              COMBNAME\n    0    0\n* box fig0\n* X range -6.0, +6.0\n* Y range -5.0, +5.0\n* Z range -1.0, +9.0\n* X, Y, Z side lengths: +12.0, +10.0, +10.0\nRPP fig0 -6.0 +6.0 -5.0 +5.0 -1.0 +9.0\n* box fig1\n* X range -4.0, +4.0\n* Y range -4.0, +4.0\n* Z range +0.0, +8.0\n* X, Y, Z side lengths: +8.0, +8.0, +8.0\nRPP fig1 -4.0 +4.0 -4.0 +4.0 +0.0 +8.0\n* cylinder fig2\n* bottom center (+0.0, +0.0, -0.5), spanning vector (+0.0, +0.0, +1.0),\n* radius +4.0, height +1.0 cm\n* rotation angles: 0*, 0*, 0*\nRCC fig2 +0.0 +0.0 -0.5 +0.0 +0.0\n+1.0 +4.0\n* cylinder fig3\n* bottom center (+0.0, +0.0, -0.5), spanning vector (+0.0, +0.0, +1.0),\n* radius +2.0, height +1.0 cm\n* rotation angles: 0*, 0*, 0*\nRCC fig3 +0.0 +0.0 -0.5 +0.0 +0.0\n+1.0 +2.0\n* sphere fig4\n* center (+0.0, +11.8172105325468, -14.215841748815), radius +1.0\nSPH fig4 +0.0 +11.8172105325468 -14.215841748815 +1.0\n* box figworld\n* X range -6.6, +6.6\n* Y range -5.5, +5.5\n* Z range -5.5, +5.5\n* X, Y, Z side lengths: +13.2, +11.0, +11.0\nRPP figworld -6.6 +6.6 -5.5 +5.5 -5.5 +5.5\n* box figbound\n* X range -16.6, +16.6\n* Y range -15.5, +15.5\n* Z range -15.5, +15.5\n* X, Y, Z side lengths: +33.2, +31.0, +31.0\nRPP figbound -16.6 +16.6 -15.5 +15.5 -15.5 +15.5\nEND\nregion0 5 +fig0 -fig1 -fig2\nregion1 5 +fig1\nregion2 5 +fig2 -fig3\nregion3 5 +fig3\nworld 5 +figworld -fig0 -fig1 -fig2 -fig3 -fig4\nboundary 5 +figbound -figworld\nEND\nGEOEND\nMATERIAL         0.0                1.01                              COM00001\nMATERIAL        82.0               11.36                              MAT00001\nLOW-MAT     MAT00001                                                  LEAD\nCOMPOUND        -1.0     WATER                                        COM00001\nMAT-PROP         0.0       0.0      7.53  MAT00001                 0.0\nASSIGNMA         AIR   region0\nASSIGNMA    COM00001   region1\nASSIGNMA    MAT00001   region2\nASSIGNMA         AIR   region3\nASSIGNMA       WATER     world\nASSIGNMA    BLCKHOLE  boundary\n* generated scoring cards\nUSRBIN          10.0  ALL-PART     -21.0      0.05       5.0       6.0Fluence\nUSRBIN         -0.05      -5.0      -6.0       1.0     100.0     120.0&\nAUXSCORE      USRBIN -100100.0                 1.0       1.0       1.0\n* random number generator settings\nRANDOMIZ                   137\n* number of particles to simulate\nSTART        10000.0\nSTOP\n"